
Dot Original Painting by Kerri Rosenthal

Full 16 painting set
Dove Dove
Teal Mauve
Periwinkle White
Clementine Bubblegum
Lemon Blush
White Sunflower
Bubblegum Indigo
Sunflower Bubblegum
Bubblegum Clementine
Dove Indigo
Sunflower Periwinkle
Mauve Teal
Dove Blush
Teal Blush
Sunflower Teal
Teal Lilac
Periwinkle Pink
Pop Pink White

Circles have great meaning to me, they are the continuation of life. I find them calming to paint and soothing to look at.   To me the circle represents learning, loving, being and then starting all over again. XO, KR

  • 16 individual 12" x 12" canvases, sold as a set, creating a total size of  48" x 48" (without spacing the individual paintings)
  • Stretched canvas 
  • Signed, titled, dated 
  • Certificate Of Authenticity will be provided
  • email to view this painting in our Westport Gallery or virtually.
  • Original art is a final sale. 

Circles have great meaning to me, they are the continuation of life. I find them calming to paint and soothing to look at.   To me the circle represents learning, loving, being and then starting all over again. XO, KR

  • 16 individual 12" x 12" canvases, sold as a set, creating a total size of  48" x 48" (without spacing the individual paintings)
  • Stretched canvas 
  • Signed, titled, dated 
  • Certificate Of Authenticity will be provided
  • email to view this painting in our Westport Gallery or virtually.
  • Original art is a final sale. 

Circles have great meaning to me, they are the continuation of life. I find them calming to paint and soothing to look at.   To me the circle represents learning, loving, being and then starting all over again. XO, KR

  • 16 individual 12" x 12" canvases, sold as a set, creating a total size of  48" x 48" (without spacing the individual paintings)
  • Stretched canvas 
  • Signed, titled, dated 
  • Certificate Of Authenticity will be provided
  • email to view this painting in our Westport Gallery or virtually.
  • Original art is a final sale.